Senin, 15 April 2013

Who can make your days will so colorful~

Hello, girls! aha, it is my first journal. kekeke~ I get an inspiration to write my journal from my best friend. I don't know what should I say now. but, I just wanna say thanks to all my friends. because you give me an inspiration and motivation. you make my days more colorful ^^
you give me new experiences that I never did before. for the example, I never ride my motorcycle when there was a heavy rain. it was an amazing experience! yah, although I got a mad from my dad~ but, you should know that I cannot forget that!
beside that, I rarely cried to other people. but, you can make me cried, friends! ah, I remember about that. huhuhu~ but, I was so happy because you believe in me. hmmm... although we often have a different idea, but when you are not in my side, i fell so lonely.
Now, I know what is the real meaning of friend. someone that can make your life more colorful, said or happiness. you will fell this with your friends~ ^^
I love you so much, my friends~~~

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